업소후기 등록시 필독사항

업소후기 등록시 유의사항

여러분은 가게 방문에 대해 정직해야 합니다.

작업성에 대한 검토는 구성원 간에 이루어졌으며,

불신을 초래하여 내상을 입게 되고 더 나빠지게 됩니다.

제가 여러분에게 묻고 싶은 것은 업소후기를 올려주신 분들은 다른 사이트에서 복사해서 올려주시면 됩니다.

그럴 때는 문맥과 띄어쓰기를 정리해야 합니다.

글이 너무 작아서 보이지 않을 경우 14pt 포트를 사용하십시오.

글의 크기를 조금 조정해 주세요.

You have to be honest and honest about your visit to the store

The reviews about the workability were made between the members,

It leads to distrust, which leads to internal injuries and worse

What I want to ask you is

For those who post reviews, copy it from other sites and pour it in

When you do that, make sure to organize the context and spacing of the text

If the writing is too small to see, use the 14pt port

Please adjust the size of the writing a little.

Don’t press it randomly and click it if possible

I ask you to refine your writing a little more sincerely.

It’s time for us to recover from our daily lives

It seems to be an important task

While lifting all the COVID-19 regulatory guidelines from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

It’s time for us all to go back to our daily lives.

Thank you all for your hard work.

For about 3 years, Masarang 24

We advertised and promoted many businesses for free

Some of the establishments have membership calls

Also, I remember that some establishments didn’t have any calls

But since a year ago, I’ve been using 050 store’s tenderloin phone

I hired a part-time executive

Due to frequent expenditure, it is inevitably

I have no choice but to receive the partnership fee.

It’s hard, but from now on, I’ll pay advertising fees to the owners

Use of human rights debt relief call number fees are paid by some quotes

Free partnerships are no longer accepted.

But I don’t want a lot of partnership money like other sites

2 part-time executives and 050 relief number usage fee only

I thought I’d cover it and get a little bit of partnership money

To the extent that it doesn’t burden the owners,

I will tell you the usage fee, so if you want to apply for a partnership,

Please call for partnership application counseling